Monday, January 4, 2010

A few of my favorite things

With this Christmas just past, amidst the mania for acquisition, it is equally as valuable to savor the things we have and continue to enjoy...along with the matchless joy that comes with the discovery of something new and unexpected. Herewith, a mix of both from my holiday...

1 comment:

Summer is a Verb said...

You got the VC&A vintage Alhambra studs! They were at the top of my list, where they remain, in mother of pearl. Lucky dog...XXOO

About Me

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Living well is the best revenge...and a choice we make every day. Join me as I celebrate the bounty of beauty in all its forms: fashion, homestyle, accessories and everyday I juggle the roles of Mommy, wife, daughter, dog mommy, creative director, Zumba instructor, volunteer...all with more than a passing glance backward to an old-school, classic time when style was a way of life