Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Emerald isle

Aren't these silly hats so hilarious?

The ears have it with this one...

And this is more of a Cat-in-the-Hat type thing...

But on St. Patrick's Day, sedate celebration is an oxymoron. Unless, of course, one were to don the lovely birthday gift my Spousey gave me last year to honor that "special nativity..."

Going green,


Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Cute hands and GORGEOUS jewels! Happy St. Patty's day to you! XO

Trish {Pink Preppy Lilly Lover} said...

Sorry that should read *hats (darn iPhone auto-spell) :)

Kathie Truitt said...

I'm looking at the hats thinkin' to myself, "Nope, just can't picture Anne Lake wearing that get-up." Then I scrolled down to the emeralds and thought, "Now that's more like it..."

Mc Allen said...

ohhhh, now I really wanna go green!! A really cute post and lovin the hat!! xoxo LA

LPC said...

OMG! Those jewels! I'm spluttering over here...

Sue said...

Hi Ann,
I just spent the wee hours of this morning reading through your blog. What a treat it was. I jotted down your suggestions for a pearl wardrobe and am adding a couple of your suggestions to my birthday wish list.
Very nice to meet you.

Beth Dunn said...

You go green girl! Love the jewels. xoxo

Summer is a Verb said...


About Me

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Living well is the best revenge...and a choice we make every day. Join me as I celebrate the bounty of beauty in all its forms: fashion, homestyle, accessories and everyday I juggle the roles of Mommy, wife, daughter, dog mommy, creative director, Zumba instructor, volunteer...all with more than a passing glance backward to an old-school, classic time when style was a way of life