Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Watch Me Wednesday

Yet another in an ongoing sartorial series...

introducing Watch Me Wednesday....wherein I share my watch du jour entre nous.

Today, as I was clad in J McLaughlin sienna tones, the above band prevailed. (A tad non-Christmasy, but oh well.)

Just replaced the original black band with this classic orange and am very happy with it.
Time passes by just the same...

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About Me

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Living well is the best revenge...and a choice we make every day. Join me as I celebrate the bounty of beauty in all its forms: fashion, homestyle, accessories and everyday I juggle the roles of Mommy, wife, daughter, dog mommy, creative director, Zumba instructor, volunteer...all with more than a passing glance backward to an old-school, classic time when style was a way of life