Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Clogged Blog...'Tis the Season

Having had blog problems for a week...I am now back. A little issue with emptying the cache from my Safari browser...(?). Who knew? (Apparently not I.)

In the meantime, and between frantic posts to Google, Spousey and I have been having quite the social time of it lately...never a problem for me. Nice opp for yet another Lilly twofer...always the coordinated couple! (I was sporting the Mizner clutch and the gold sandals, not Spousey. Alas, he made do with blue Belgians.)

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About Me

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Living well is the best revenge...and a choice we make every day. Join me as I celebrate the bounty of beauty in all its forms: fashion, homestyle, accessories and everyday I juggle the roles of Mommy, wife, daughter, dog mommy, creative director, Zumba instructor, volunteer...all with more than a passing glance backward to an old-school, classic time when style was a way of life